Lockdown #3 DIY project

Recently I've been doing some darning and thought I'd share the 'woven wheel' stitch I used to repair my moth eaten buff...in case like me, you forgot to pack away your merino kit too last year!! Grrrr!

What you will need:

- 1 needle with a large eye
- Some darning wool or embroidery threads
- One moth damaged piece of kit (mine was my trusty Rapha merino buff)

Pic 1

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 2

How to create the ‘woven wheel’ stitch:

Start by making a star- 8 straight stitches radiating from a central point as in pic 1 bringing the needle up in the centre when you’re done.

Now pass it under two threads, back over one thread (pic 2) then forward under two, wrapping the thread around the 'spoke'. Note: these stitches don't go through the garment.

Continue around the star until the wheel is filled to the end of the spokes. Finish by taking the needle through to the wrong side before starting another wheel.

Darned neck buff


I got my scanfil mending wool from YAK in Brighton, but check your local haberdashery/wool/craft supply shop as I’m sure they’ll have something similar. If you're looking for a close colour match then Ray Stitch in Islington has a really good range of Laine St. Pierre darning wool in 96 shades!

Happy stitching ☺️

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Cycling circa 1948